

We would be grateful and honoured if you would like to donate the foothills centre. We understand that people have strong connections to Foothills Centre. We have created a space in our yard to memorialize those lost to addiction.

Serenity Circle

Serenity: the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

The Serenity Circle is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a testament that even in the face of heartbreak, healing is possible. Here memories are enshrined, and the stories of lives lost become a beacon, reminding us that every journey is precious, every battle worth fighting. In the embrace of the Serenity Circle, we find a solemn vow to turn tragedy into triumph, to honour the past while forging a future illuminated by hope, compassion, and the unyielding belief that recovery is within reach for all.

The Serenity Circle stands as a profound and poignant memorial, a sanctuary of remembrance for those whose lives were tragically claimed by the shadows of drug overdose.

Those wishing to donate in memory of a loved one may do so by purchasing one of the following items to be included within the Serenity Circle.

  • Adirondack chair
  • Name Plaque
  • Planter

Those interested in memorial donations please contact the Executive Director, Val Campbell via email [email protected].

You may also donate items that greatly impact the quality of lives for clients during their stay. Suggested items are:

  • Pajamas
  • Feminine Hygiene products
  • Razors
  • Shaving cream
  • Deodorant
  • Socks
  • Smoking Cessation Patches
  • Smoking Cessation Lozenges

All cash donations over $20 will be issued a receipt for tax purposes.


Who can use Foothills Centre detox?

Anyone who is requiring detoxification from alcohol and/or drugs and is over 18 years of age.

How do I get in to Detox?

The person who wants to enter the detox program must call our centre and complete a phone interview. Once that interview is complete and upon bed availability, arrangements will be made for admissions.

How long will I be in Detox?

The general stay is 7 to 10 days. Each person will be assessed on an individual basis should a longer stay be required.

What should I bring with me?

  • toothbrush, toothpaste
  • shampoo, conditioner
  • body wash
  • hair brush and/or comb
  • 4 or 5 changes of clothes. (Laundry gets done on site during your stay.)
  • small amounts of money
  • only the absolute essential jewelry

All valuables will be placed in lockup for safekeeping.

What should I NOT bring?

  • Scented products such as perfumes, colognes, and body sprays
  • Weapons of any kind, including pocket knives and blades
  • Clothing promoting any type of alcohol, drug, or gambling
  • Electronics, such as cell phones, TVs, cameras, computers, pagers, video games, DVDs, radios, CD players, iPods/pads, MP3 players, etc.
  • Work-related materials such as reports, projects, and papers
  • No bedding or towels

What will I do while I’m here?

  • Attend daily group sessions
  • Attend daily scheduled AA and CA meetings
  • Interact with other clients and staff
  • Abide by resident requirements

Is there a fee to attend detox?

No, detox is covered through your Provincial Health Care, and even those with no coverage are free to attend.